Thursday, December 23, 2010

the christmas conspiracy

"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a 
conspiracy of love." 

~ Hamilton Wright Mabie (1845-1916), 
American author, essayist and critic. 

If there is one thing we all know, it's that Christmas brings with it lots and lots of love (and calories). You hear it it the songs, you see it in the movies... 
Remember when the Grinches heart grows 3 sizes when he learns the true meaning of Christmas? I smile every time I watch it brake that cartoon heart scale. 

For me Christmas has become less and less about the presents -etc- and more about this rabbi I follow. I thought by now I'd be sick of the Christmas story... and in a way, I kinda am. I mean EVERY YEAR it's the same deal: Mary and the angle, journey to bethlehem, no room at the inn, shepherds, three wise men, yada yada yada...

Its a weird beginning to a weird story with a weird end. If you look at the bible, even just the New Testament you got lepers being healed, dead people coming back to life, saints falling off cliffs, African Eunichs getting baptized... you can't make this stuff up! 

Still, you get the feeling this is a love story. A love story which circles around one act, and this one act has implications for the whole world. It's a conspiracy of love. It's light sneaking up behind darkness. "It's the unexpected declaration of love," 
"because God has two names: God, and, surprise!"

Advent is an announcment to our hurting world that their is a remedy, a remedy made of flesh and blood. His love has no limits. It's a gift, one that doesn't stand frozen in time - he's not the beanie baby I got in '93 I foolishly took the tag off off and now cant get rid of to save my life! (side bar..)

What I mean is, His grace isn't static. He says "I gave, and I'll give,and give, and give..."
Then, realzing we're richly blessed, we richly bless others.

"For God so loved the world he gave.."
- John 3:16a

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