Sunday, August 29, 2010


This morning we were kidnapped. Yeah. That's right. Kidnapped.

Some guys apparently associated with our organization, blinded folded us and dropped us off in a random part of Chicago. The best part? We had just taken our blindfolds off and gotten out of the van when a woman stops us to ask for directions. We took great joy in telling her we had just been blindfolded and randomly dropped here, with no idea where "here" is.

Instead of heading straight home we decided to take a detour through Chinatown. Classical Asian architecture set the mood for this Illinois, Beijing. But looks can be deceiving. Chinatown is mostly knock-off Coach purses and over priced fat Buddha statuettes. We ate at a restaurant the China team said was good, but actually was the WORST Chinese food I ever had. 

When we got back to Jesus People (JPUSA) we met up with our JPUSA friend  from the Skater's Coffee house, Anastasia. She and a few of her friends took all us girls to "Dollop" coffee house. It's the perfect underground Chicago coffee house. We talked about what it's like to live in community with 400 people, about where we grew up and how to live contently with less. One of the girls told us about how she's an agnostic but her whole family are Jesus' lovers, so instead of just writing Christianity off and having unfounded opinions, she decided to step out and live with JPUSA. And now that she has been here she's starting to see how compelling this sacrifical way of life can be.  

(Mural near the african market on Wilson, 
Marie's Photo)
On the L today I saw an African couple with their young son. The father took such great joy in just being present with his boy. Never have I seen someone look so fullfilled. For centuries spiritual people have said there are things on earth that reflect the nature of God. Native Americans find God in the wind, water and dirt. Buddhists sense God in every living being on earth, greeting eachother with "Namaste." Today I saw God on the L. I was on his lap. He looked down at me and smiled. 

"As high as heaven is over the earth, 
      so strong is His love to those who fear Him.
   And as far as sunrise is from sunset,
      he has separated us from our sins.
   As a father feels for his children,
      God feels for those who trust him.

  -Pslam 103:11-13

1 comment:

  1. hahaha. thats awesome. reminds me of a certain movie.... and what?!?! bad chinese food- that should be illegal!
