Tuesday, June 21, 2011

January 6, 2011

Dear Diary,

"I talked to Ruth (vicar's wife) today about visiting India. All this made me think about what I want, and what I want is to travel. I want to be mobile and self sufficient. 

I want to see things that astound me and make me believe in things unseen. 

I want to swim in rivers, climb mountains, pray in temples, chat with strangers, sleep under the stars and witness a thousand sunsets on a foreign beach. 

I want to live simply and make friends all over the world. 

And I REALLY do want to see the whole world. I want to live with freedom. I want to be the kind of person who is fulfilled in what they do. Someone who wears bandanas like a badass and doesn't care what the world thinks. I want to cut my hair short and dye it pink. I want God to speak to me and be able to recognize his voice when he does. I want to LIVE. 

I'm tired of expectations, biological clocks, judgmental people... I'm tired of doubting myself - I love to write, who cares if I suck? I love it.

God, remind me that I CAN be a certain kind of person. Fill me with courage to make it happen, and contentment in the meantime..." 


  1. Make it happen Leigh.... live your dreams...
    I love you!!!!!

  2. I agree with Jane - make it happen. and if I can help, I will..... Love and prayers,

    Barbara Driscoll
