Friday, September 24, 2010

Dear Diary...

I realize I have been updating alot, which is why I am even more overjoyed how consistently people are leaving me comments! I really appreciate your thoughts, on my thoughts, as it were... Today Bethany, Marie and I are visited our schools and soon we're leaving to attend a 24 hr seminar on Christian/Muslim relations... or something. We’re not quite sure what it entails. So, what Im thinking is, I wont be updating for a few days. And, since I’ll I’ve done in the past day or so is salt some slugs, I thought I might leave you with a reflection I wrote in my (personal) journal durring orientation in Chicago. 

Dear Diary, 
(I didn’t actually write “dear diary,” but I have inserted it here for dramatic affect...)
This has been my favorite week in Chicago so far. After talking to Jeff Konechzny the other night, I decided to take his advice and stop caring what other people think. All day long I re-run it through my mind, “It doesn’t matter what other people think, It doesn’t matter what other people think, It doesn’t matter what other people think...” It really seems to have made a difference, if just a small one.
Monday we did our day of hospitality; We sang at the nursing home and had dinner with Tarran and Candy. What an amazing experience!
Yesterday I washed walls in the “Hannah’s House” cafeteria. 
(One of JPUSA’s homeless shelters for single women with children)
As I washed, I imagined Jesus beside me. 
In one motion he took off his tunic and began using it to scrub the dirt. We talked for an hour about everything under the sun: travel, Chicago, the fear of growing old, true love, the Cubs, art, food... Jesus has an eclectic taste in almost everything, as it turns out. And in a strange way, I didn’t feel like I was doing most of the talking.
It made me smile as I remembered our old conversations...

Reading through some of my entries from orientation, this one stuck out to me. I suppose it’s because it was the closest I felt to Christ while I was there. It’s truly amazing how Jesus always shows up when you’re serving someone other than yourself. 
I also remember thinking when I wrote this how many converstions are yet to come. And they probably wont come by reading a “thoughtful” Christian book, or some other conventional way of tapping into wisdom.
They will probably happen as a result of silence, self sacrifice, fleeting moments of humilty... 
How will God reveal himself to me this year? What will our relationship look like at the end of this year? Because that’s what I want - a relationship. I don’t really want my questions answered (although it would be nice), and I don’t really want a huge revelation, or wisdom passed down from on high... I wan’t to be like a sheep in the gosple of Matthew, who recognizes the masters voice when He calls. 
I want to fall in love with God; the deep, world changing, sickening, giggly, annoying kind of love that causes people to turn their heads when they see you and wonder, what are you so damn happy about?


  1. Wow, Leigh, you have a way of cracking me up, and making me reflect and consider what might be missing in my life spiritually. You work is invaluable and may you continue to have many more fulfilling conversations with Him!

  2. Leigh,
    I could not have prayed for anything more for you than to have a relationship with God... the kind you so eloquently spoke of in your blog entry today. I am overflowing with joy and pride for the person you are and that you are becoming. You are going to have an amazing year of reflection and outreach. I can't wait to hear more and more...
    I was thinking about how much I wish that you could have had another sibling in your life, and I know that you have expressed that conern as well. I remember asking two friends, that were married and the only child in their families, how they felt about that..they said that there were both good and bad things about it.( like most things)...but that (besides having a dog best friend)...their friendships were their greatest treasures in life.. Their friends were there "chosen siblings". I am so grateful that God has placed you in situations in the past that have helped you create such wonderful friendships. I was thrilled to meet and get to know Bethany and Marie in Chicago. I love them both and knew right away that God was working to bring you three together for His purposes. I know that you will become lifelong friends. who have shared experiences of a lifetime. Sisters in Christ...I love you and can't wait to skype again! Wish I had wireless so I could move the computer around the house! God's grace and peace,
